Paducah Hormone Therapy

Our hormones are fundamental to everyday life, and changes in their balance require special management, whether it be due to a medical condition or a specific stage of life.

As men and women age, hormone levels – testosterone, estrogen, and others – naturally decline. However, hormone imbalance may happen to people as early as their 20s and beyond, due to the vast amount of toxins that enter our bodies from the environment, chemicals we consume in everyday products and toxic, stressful relationships.

The EvexiPEL method of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) with pellets provides a superior approach to optimize hormones and address health conditions and symptoms associated with unbalanced hormones in women and men.

What is BHRT and how does it work?

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) uses bio-identical – or human identical – hormones, which are derived from natural, plant-based hormones. Bio-identical hormones – testosterone and estrogen – work more effectively and efficiently than synthetic hormones. Why? Because bioidentical hormones are nearly identical to the hormones, we produce naturally. Our bodies know what to do with natural hormones and welcome them like long lost friends.

Conversely, our bodies get confused when synthetic hormones arrive on the scene. They don’t know how to process these invaders, which is why many people who take synthetic hormones feel like they’re on an emotional roller coaster.

The hormone pellet aspect of the procedure is simple too. During the in-office procedure, the practitioner inserts the tiny pellets in the fatty tissue right beneath the skin. The body prompts the pellets to release hormones when it needs them, based on physical exertion or mental stress. No roller coaster ride here!

What does BHRT treat?

  • Description text goes here
  • Description text goes here
  • (trouble concentrating)

  • Item description
  • (hot flashes, vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence, etc.)

  • Item description
  • (For men and women)

What to Expect


Before your hormone replacement therapy, you'll meet with our provider for a consultation. We will do initial lab work, discuss your concerns, symptoms, goals, and sensitivities. Based on this initial consultation and your lab values, we will create a personalized treatment plan for your needs.

Pellet Procedure

Our bioidentical pellets (testosterone in both men and women, estrogen in post-menopausal females) are inserted through a small puncture site in the hip area. They are slowly released over several months, providing the most effective natural form of replacement.


You'll begin to experience the results of your hormone replacement therapy after several weeks, with full results coming after roughly 3 months.

Women typically are re-pelleted between 3-4 months, Men are done every 5-6 months.